Life During a pandemic day 46

Life During a pandemic day 46

This is not my post, the author is unknown, but it is a great snapshot on what life is like living through a pandemic. I hope you enjoy the read: Today is Tuesday April 28th. Day 46 of the lock-down because of COVID-19.The Prime Minister issued a Stay-At-Home-Order...
Perspective during Covid times

Perspective during Covid times

I have been doing some posts during COVID times to document what was happening. In a world of social media, judgement, and various opinions, flooding the internet, it can make it pretty tough for a lot of people to just get out of bed in the am. I came across this...
COVID relief – Small business loan

COVID relief – Small business loan

During these uncertain times many governments have been creating solutions to help businesses keep afloat. The Canadian government has several programs, the one I am writing about today is for small businesses. The major Canadian banks are the administrators of this...