The story of the PERSISTENT rats

The story of the PERSISTENT rats

Rats can be an extremely persistent rodent. I want to share a story, that lead to rat education for my tenant and I at a single family home we own. I received a call one hot July day, that there was a rat sighting in the house.  The tenants seemed upset about the...
Is Your Property on a Bed Bug Registry?

Is Your Property on a Bed Bug Registry?

If you have had to deal with bedbugs in one of your rental properties, I am sure it was a stressful and costly situation. It seems like there are times when the media makes it seem like the world is infested with the critters. The reality is,  that you will likely...
Is it expensive to write a book?

Is it expensive to write a book?

Did you ever dream about writing a book?  Is it expensive to write a book? Buy it on by clicking this link I did, and on September 22, 2016 it went live on Amazon.  It was an amazing feeling. It all started a couple of years before when I started a blog...

The most important member of my team

Today, I was asked the question of if I were to start over, who is the first and most important person you would ask to join your team? That was a tough question to answer, and really made me think about all the great people that helped and still are helping with our...
Books you need to read

Books you need to read

One of my favorite quotes is from a guy named Kevin Trudeau “leaders are readers”. I do have to admit, I had to practice.  I am not the type of person who was born to read for fun.  In fact I mostly only read for educational reasons.  I still do, so the...