If you have a rental property you have likely dealt with fleas. Fleas can infest a place for long periods of time. We have had cases where tenants have moved out, we have fumigated and then a week later more eggs hatch and we have fleas all over again.
I can remember one case where we bought a house and sent in a construction crew for rehab. The crew walked off the job saying until we got rid of the fleas, they were not going back. I thought they were over reacting so I went over with my painter, he had on white coveralls. What I saw next was unbelievable. We were only in the house a short time, then we walked out in the yard and his suit was covered in fleas.
I have a special guest post that I wanted to share today from Shane Dutka of Pest Control Strategies.
Shane has researched and written about not just fleas, but ways to get rid of other creepy crawly insects. While doing his research he discovered some natural remedies, such as Rosemary, dish soap, a herbal mixture, baking soda.
If you have fleas, what I recommend is to head to his website and download his free resources on how to get rid of them.
Just click this link to read more
Until next time,
Design your landlord experience.
Michael P Currie
Landlord by Design